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Vivid Black Paint provides support & programming primarily to honor and uplift aspiring and established artists who identify as black and as persons of color and to provide welcoming space for people to smile, laugh, and be entertained with circus and art, as a vital service to mental well-being and social emotional development.




That all have access to Vibrant Creative Experiences and to finding Joy in Discovery.




Vivid Black Paint is a non profit corporation and shall operate exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future Federal Tax Code. 


To maximize impact and reach, we may collaborate with other initiatives and entities. 


Vivid Black Paint accomplishes our purpose through events, support, and programming primarily for established and aspiring black artists, indigenous artists, and artists of color to provide their creative services to the world and build up their supportive networks.

We also serve the community at large with joy and entertainment, primarily through art and circus. 


Our programming allows space for our artists, and at times members of the general public, to come together, build community, collaborate, exchange, mentor, and witness one another’s art. 


At times, per the discretion of the board of directors, Vivid Black Paint will also provide career pathways, internships, and volunteer opportunities within the organization for our artists.

In turn, further Deepening Vivid Black Paint’s Impact and Mission.

Vivid Black Paint in the News

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